Saturday, 14 January 2023

Welcome to The Graphite Bite

Welcome to my slice of the internet. 
My Genius Hour Question is: How would and alien civilization view human society? 

At first this might sound like science fiction, but an outsider's view is a great way to take a critical look at norms our society considers, well, normal. While you could consider an extraterrestrial's view, you could also look to the perspective of uncontacted tribes. 
Why do we hold the imaginary lines that form a country's borders sacred? 
Why do we form societal heirarchies? 
Are any of these behaviours natural to life in the universe, or are they learned? 

 I chose this topic because challenging our perceptions of normalcy in our modern tribal culture can only lead to growth. If we understood how an alien culture might conduct itself, perhaps we could learn to conduct ourselves better as well.
Dewar, J. © 2023

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