Thursday 26 January 2023

Grayscale and Cat Tales


Well this was a humbling experience.

I decided that the final product would be a (very) short comic book, which I have never tried before. I thought that if I simplified my drawing style and cut out shading that I could crank these out fast.

Boy was I wrong.

Many hours and several YouTube videos on how to compose frames later, I produced this one page.

(to view in full size: right-click -> open link in new tab)

Dewar, J. © 2023

Not my best work, but I'm hoping as I work on other pages I will improve (and get faster). This also won't be page one so it's missing some context, but I had a fairly clear vision of how I wanted this page to play out.

While writing the script, I reflected on my research on happiness in hunter-gatherer tribes while also considering isolationism and territorialism.

If I'm going to finish this thing I need to start working on my other pages now.

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